Fav Foto Friday is an opportunity to share each Friday, on your own blog, one photo…or maybe even a gallery of some of your favorite photos that you have taken during the week, that make you smile or that was a great photo capturing opportunity…anything really! And as photographers are often known to say, “The best camera is, the one that you have with you!”
Whether you are a pro-photographer or just venturing into photography…or maybe you are like me and just whip out your cell phone when you are going about your day…take those photos and share them! Feel free to add any camera info and shooting info that you may have on your photos as well.
Don’t forget to link back (pingback) here and add a #FavFotoFriday tag so that I can enjoy all your Favorite Fotos too!
This week’s edition of Fav Foto Friday is proof that spring is near…despite the fact that news reports tell me that there is a ‘significant Nor’easter targeting the east coast‘ for this weekend.
This brave little crocus was enjoying the chilly morning sunshine at the base of a tree near where I parked my car the other day. I appreciate the coming of spring more and more each year. I love to see the buds popping up everywhere you look.
And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
Each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
Rose from the dreams of it’s wintry rest.
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
And because I especially love daffodils…another photo of a bunch of daffodils a friend gave me last weekend when a bunch of us got together. I have enjoyed watching them open and bloom at my kitchen window all week. And they smell so pretty!!
Hope you have enjoyed today’s Fav Foto Friday selections! Join me and share some of your favorite images! Don’t forget to tag your post #favfotofriday.
Pretty bouquet
The flowers are all so pretty!
I wanted to stop by and let you know that I recently moved to a self-hosted site and the following is the latest post: