Today, I mostly just wanted to check out a cool new app/website that caught my ‘techie-wanna-be’ attention that I happened to stumble over on The Daily Post. This cool little app (or website for us Android/desktop users), Mesh, for a new way to share galleries, with anyone, anywhere. It’s free, and pretty easy to use…even if you are not a tech-wanna-be.
In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a little bit infatuated about taking pictures of random things throughout my travels each day. Although I don’t seem to get very far away from the place that I live, being a pet sitter is all about travelling!! There are days that I easily put 100-150 miles on my car driving from one customer’s house to another customer and back again…ad nauseum sometimes! But to amuse myself, I am constantly taking out [easyazon_link identifier=”B00N9CY4V2″ locale=”US” tag=”scrmus06-20″]my cell phone[/easyazon_link] and snapping pics of things that make me smile or pretty flowers or my adorable clients! Which ya know, gives my own critters a break from constantly having their photos taken.
So without further ado…here is my first gallery using Mesh.
These photos are from one of my pet sitting clients. He is a handsome Golden Retriever (who has gotten clipped for the summer) that I have been visiting for quite a few years. He has a huge yard with some great landscaping and these awesome wooden walk ways in various places, and cool little things all over the place. Consequently, whenever I visit my handsome buddy, we go on grand adventures around his yard…him, with his nose to the ground investigating the interesting smells everywhere, and me, with my cell phone camera out and ready to capture all the interesting things I see.
If you happen to be an Iphone user, the first version of Mesh is available from the iTunes store…for those of us who are Android users or prefer using our computers you can go to Mesh and create your very first Mesh Gallery and share it with anyone, anywhere.
What did you like about it? not like about it? etc?
I think I need to play with it a little bit more to really be able to answer…but for starters it is really very easy to use and you don’t have to upload/add photos to your Media…you can just grab them from the file on your computer. I’m not an Iphone user but it seems like it would be nice to be able to get a gallery from your phone…so if it ever gets to Android that would be a quick way to include photos to a post from a mobile device. I think that is (or will be) the best thing about it, so that you could create a blog post on the go and use Mesh to provide the photo(s) content.
Very intersting, thanks for article