Today’s assignment for Blogging 101: write and publish a “who I am and why am I here” post on your blog. What is my blogging purpose?
Thought I would start the day off jumping into the assignment before I head out to work this morning. I read the assignment last night before I went to bed, so this morning I was actually lying in bed considering how to write this assignment for awhile before I got up. So here we go…
Why are you blogging publicly, rather than keeping a personal journal? I have decided to blog publicly rather than keep a personal journal hoping that blogging with a purpose and keeping a consistent post schedule will be the discipline I need to keep this blog going. As a life long lover of reading, I have always dreamed of being a writer, so I have attempted journaling and blogging before with various rates of success. There is also the fact, that I am a bit of a techie-wanna-be, so blogging gives me an excuse reason to sit with my laptop, learning a new aspect of the computer world.
What topics do you think you’ll write about? At the moment, my idea for my blog is to write about the various things I enjoy. I am an avid animal lover, a yoga-addict, an aspiring photographer, a techie-wanna-be and a knitter…just to name a few things…so I would presume some of these things will find their way into my blog.
Who would you love to connect with via your blog? I would love to connect with others who share some of my interests, as well as, others who might have interests I know nothing of yet…so pretty much anyone! As someone who is a bit of an introvert, connecting with and making friends online gives me a sense of community that everyone needs.
If you blog successfully throughout the next year, what would you hope to have accomplished? If I manage to blog successfully throughout the next year, I will be pretty excited 🙂 My introverted tendencies love the idea of succeeding at being a blogger and maybe even making a living doing it (if that can be done organically, without having to sell my soul). It is said that, “if you do something every day for 21 days (or some variation of a similar length of time), then you would have established a brand new habit.” Writing or blogging daily is a habit I would like to establish and I am hoping that this course might be the start of my new blogging habit 🙂